CJA reporting from Paris
Kia ora
My name is Gary Cranston. I am a climate justice campaigner and Unite Union organiser based in Auckland New Zealand and I’m travelling to Paris for the UN climate negotiations with accreditation from the International Trade Union Confederation.
I will be publishing reports and videos from inside and outside of the conference centre here at www.climatejusticeaotearoa.org, including reports from the multitude of parallel-events organised by people’s movements for environmental and social justice happening outside of the official conference centre.
I will be interviewing campaigners from both New Zealand and elsewhere, asking what climate justice means to them, what their hopes are for these climate negotiations and how their movements for climate justice are succeeding on the ground as another round of governmental climate negotiations passes by.
With the French government banning public demonstrations in the city following the recent attacks, it is yet to be seen what will happen in the streets and how civil society will react to the outcomes of the conference. We will see. Check here for updates.
I aim to bring the inside stories and personal reactions from campaigners and activists for climate justice back to our movements in New Zealand, so we can better understand how these negotiations and these global movements fighting for climate justice relate to Aotearoa’s struggles for environmental and social justice.
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Thanks to Unite Union, ITUC, the CJA and Beautiful Solutions crew and all my friends and family who are supporting this journey. It wouldn’t be possible without you.
I will be arriving in Paris on the 3rd of December.
You can contact me at;
Au revoir pour le moment!
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