Planet Save : FAIL! is a short film linked in the form of a youtube play list produced by Mobile Broadcast News during COP16 in Cancun, Mexico has been release in the aftermath of the failed UN climate change negotiations. Each piece has been designed to be impactual as an individual pieces or when watched in its entire playlist, provide a broader commentary on the hypocrisy of the event as a whole.
The link to the movie is at:
You can also see the entire playlist and re-embed it into your blog/web page at
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With the news and context of the latest global climate change meeting coming to the front today and tomorrow we encourage you to share this link across all social networks, and encourage your friends to share it as well over the next few days.
Full coverage from Mobile Broadcast News:
Stormy Staats (Mobile Broadcast News) – 530.598.1670
Vlad Teichberg (Glass Bead Collective)- 347.688.8523